
"bandadriatica is one of the best Italian live acts of the moment"
"the band of the sea that unites peoples"

On September 28, Bandadriatica releases the new video clip of the song Odissea, title track of the latest album. The piece has two special guests, Antonio Castrignanò and Redi Hasa who, together with the band, tell of the odyssey of a migrant. In the text, in fact, the figure of Ulysses is poetically transformed into a Nobody of our time, exalting the indifference that the world often reserves for the affairs of immigrant peoples. In the video, the protagonist Hassane Niang moves in a desert world (the images were shot in January), in the empty spaces that only a few days later would have redesigned our cities. For the first time, BandAdriatica deals directly with the theme of immigration, a theme that has always been the background to border music, to migrant music, of which the band has become the protagonist in recent years.

ROOT SALAD – FROOTS MAGAZINE 409 – July 2017 by Bastiaan Springer Multi-cultural music from Salento, right out in the middle of the Med. From the shores of the Adriatic

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SPECIAL MONDORADIO – BANDADRIATICA 🎺🥁🎷 Listen to Claudio Prima from BandAdriatica

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Our last release Odissea is present in the international charts: 3rd place: The best of 2018, Radio Sputnik (Germania); 30th place: Transglobal music chart 18th place: World music chart Europe

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Transported by the swirling winds that illuminate the coasts of the eastern sea, the BandAdriatica rages on the agitated waves of Salento music with elements of all the Mediterranean sonic coasts as a complex “Babylon”, where the languages begin to harmonize on the popular melodies in the mestizo fervour of the harbours. That’s how the Apulian traditions take on a new resonance, starting from the frantic echoes of Salento music found in the sounds of folklore festivals, processions, funerals, serenades and night trips, taking it from country to country in ten years of research on the common musical matrices of the banks of the Adriatic Sea, reflecting themselves in the music of Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, the Serbian fanfare, North Africa and pushing up to the eastern Mediterranean….read more



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Claudio Prima

Claudio Prima è organettista, cantante e compositore. E’ leader e ideatore di numerosi progetti di indagine sulle musiche di confine con cui si esibisce in festival e rassegne internazionali (BandAdriatica, Adria, Tabulè, Tukrè, Manigold) e con cui incide numerose produzioni discografiche.

Nel 2008 è ideatore e promotore per la BandAdriatica del progetto “Rotta per Otranto” – 15 musicisti, un veliero e 400 miglia in adriatico, esperimento di viaggio in barca a vela nei porti d’Adriatico che diventa un film documentario e un cd dal titolo Maremoto. Dal 2010 è solista dell’opera contemporanea Oceanic Verses di Paola Prestini, con cui si esibisce al Barbican Centre di Londra, al Pace Shimmel di New York e al Kennedy Center di Washington DC. Dal 2011 è ideatore e direttore della “Giovane Orchestra del Salento” un ensemble di 45 giovani musisti salentini con cui gira un film documentario intitolato “Il volo”. E’ assistente al Maestro concertatore della Notte della Taranta prima con Goran Bregovic e poi con Giovanni Sollima. E’ attore e musicista negli spettacoli Oltremundo e Arrivi e partenze della Fabbrica dei Gesti per la regia di Marcelo Bulgarelli.

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